Monday.. 10 days after my IUI.. I woke up feeling terrible. I told Savier that it felt like I was getting my period and I went to the bathroom. As I sat there I started looking up the ways that I was feeling followed by "10dpiui" to see if this had happened to anyone else. When I set my phone down to wipe, my world stopped. I was bleeding. I immediately started bawling and walked out into the kitchen and just hugged Savier as he was making eggs. He asked me what was wrong and I could hardly even get the words out. He held me and told me that it could be a good thing.. but it just didn't feel good so I was very scared. I sat on the couch with a heating pad and began doing some more research. Within about an hour I was in so much pain that I could not stop crying. I had never felt cramps like that before and I could barely breath through the pain. I kept going to the bathroom and each time the blood was only there when I wiped and it wasn't very much. This made me feel like it could be implantation bleeding, but the cramps were telling me that this was just a really bad period starting. We had SO much to do that day, but ended up just sitting on the couch all day. By the early evening I felt much better and just had a light cramping feeling.
Tuesday when I went to the bathroom in the morning there was more blood. I was convinced that my period was here and had read that it is common for the drugs that I was on to make a period come up to 12 days early. I wasn't suppose to get it for another week and a few days if I wasn't pregnant. I was very sad and started calculating when my injections would start again, when my next IUI would be, and when my next two week wait would end! The next pregnancy test would be on Valentine's Day if I didn't get a period before then. I emailed and called my nurse to let her know what was going on. She said she was very sorry and that I should let her know if the bleeding increased the following day. She also asked if I had taken a home test and I said no, because she had told me not to due to false positives. After work that day Savier and I stopped at Bi-Lo to pick up tests. I had promised myself I wouldn't take one before a blood test, but I had to after all of this.
Wednesday morning I woke up and took a test. The second line to the plus sign did not come up right away so I set it on the ledge and jumped in the shower. Savier glanced at it when he woke up, but we just went on with our day. I told Natalie that I was still bleeding and she sent me a lab order to go have a blood pregnancy test done that day. If I needed to start injections again it needed to be by the end of the week and I needed to go to NC to get more, so answers were necessary! At lunch time I went to the lab to have these done and they told me that it would take awhile for the results because they had to drive my blood over to the Navy weapons station to test it. I was feeling very impatient and just wanted it to be over with so I could start my injections that night, so I drove to the Navy base myself and just had them take the blood so that it went faster. They put ASAP stickers on it so that Natalie would receive the results right away. We had a commander's call that afternoon, but Savier was working on an emergency water break so he wasn't there with me. I walked out to go to the bathroom and when I did my phone started ringing. It was Natalie. She told me that they did the wrong test on my blood. Instead of a quantitative, they did a qualitative. Which means instead of sending her the amount of hCG in my blood, they just send her a positive or a negative. And it was a POSITIVE! I was in absolute shock. I was shaking and could barely even think! She asked how long ago it was since I took the trigger shot and I said 13 days. She said there is no way that could still be in my system, unless the levels are crazy low.. like a 4 or 5. She said she would call the lab and ask them to retest the blood and give her the number and then call me back. I texted Savier and told him and I stood out in the hallway in disbelief! She called back a few minutes later and said that they were doing the test and would give her the result very soon, but she needed to leave work by 4:30, so if they called after that she wouldn't be able to get back to me until the morning! I was a crazy mess. I could NOT wait until the morning! So I went and picked up Savier and we headed home. I looked at my phone about every minute and Savier kept telling me to stop. I was driving myself nuts. He was like "Wouldn't that be some shit if we got home and looked at the test from this morning and it was positive?!" We got home at 4:30 and the call hadn't come, but we went straight for that test. And there was totallllly a really faint line on it!! So I skyped my parents to freak out to them and started looking up the number to the naval lab so I could just ask for the results myself. As I was looking for it, Natalie called! "Hello" "Mrs. Rodriguez.. congratulations!" My levels were at 47.19! She said there was no way this isn't a true pregnancy and she gave me some instructions for dealing with the bleeding. She said I needed to go have more blood taken on Friday to make sure my levels are increasing and this is a healthy pregnancy. They look for the numbers to double, or at the least increase by 20-30%.
Thursday is a blur. I don't remember much. Except that my bleeding stopped around 4pm!
Friday I took another home test when I woke up and it was darker this time! Then I went to the lab as soon as it opened and had more blood taken! I emailed Natalie right away to let her know the results would be in the system soon! She called me a little while later and told me that my levels went up to 78.2! It wasn't quite double, but that was okay. It had been less than 48 hours, so that was expected. She told me that she was going to have me start using progesterone inserts 3x a day, taking baby aspirin, and prenatals! She gave me a phone number to the company that she was sending the order to for the progesterone and said to call them if they didn't call me by 4pm! She also told me that my due date, according to my trigger shot date will be October 5th! I am hoping this is a little off though! I called Savier, my mom, and my dad!! When Savier and I went out to lunch he called his mom and his older brother! I ended up having to call the Freedom Fertility company about the progesterone and he said it could be delivered by the following morning (today!). I was super stoked and said to send it asap! He then told me it was $629 for a month supply. And I need three months! I was like.. "Ahhhhhh, Natalie said it would be about $12 at the most." So I said I would call him back. I called back a little while later and a lady answered and I asked her to make sure that my insurance was in there. It was not! So she said that if they had a problem processing it they would call back. Savier and I went grocery shopping right after work and got the baby aspirin and prenatals but were still waiting on the answer about progesterone! When we got home my phone rang and the lady asked me to repeat my social security number to her because she thought someone had written it down wrong. So I did.. and about 30 seconds later she said it all went through and my copay was $0. The medication would be to our house in less than 24 hours! I was so relieved! Savier and I ended up napping after work, eating, skyping with his younger brother and his girlfriend to tell them, taking pictures for the thing I posted on here last night, and going right to bed!
This hardly even feels real, but we are SO happy! I can't believe our dream is finally coming true and that it all really worked on the first try! I have to go get more blood taken on Monday just to check the levels again, but my medication did arrive already and I have taken the first dosage. This is being used to help keep my lining in tact and prevent further bleeding! We can have an ultrasound in two weeks and I think that this is all just going to keep feeling unreal until then!! Aside from the fact that I can't stop eating and drinking water! =P
I have tons and tons of feelings and thoughts about this.. but I need to get my butt in gear and go get ready for the day! We are so thrilled to share this news, but we are not quite ready to have it all over the Facebook world yet! We aren't trying to hide it.. but we are going to Wisconsin in February and want my sister to take announcement photos for us to put on Facebook on Valentine's Day! So until then.. shhh! =) Inbox only ;) I am sure pretty much everyone will know by then. But I have too many announcement photo ideas to let them go to waste =P
I will write again soon when I have more time to talk about how much love we are feeling! <3
Until then... here is a picture of us on Wednesday! The day we first found out!
And here are our home tests! The top one is Wednesday's and the bottom is Friday's! =)