Their names will be Hayden Rae and Quinn Reese. We have been going back and forth on Quinn's middle name, but that is what we have for now=)
So much has happen over the past few weeks and I really want to get better at writing every week again. I don't want to forget any of this pregnancy and I know that this is the best way to remember! I'll start with pictures again and then try to fill in all of the spaces!
18 weeks.
19 weeks.
20 weeks.
21 weeks.22 weeks.
23 weeks.
24 weeks.
25 weeks.Andddd. The babies!!
B at 20 weeks.
Getting kicked in the face!
Baby A at 23 weeks.
Baby A at 24 weeks.
Baby B at 24 weeks.
Both babies at 24.5 weeks.
I got to come home during week 19 to go to Cass' wedding and finally see Savier for the first time since he left for Wisconsin. =) He said that I was much bigger than he thought I was going to be from seeing me in Skype all of the time. I could feel a lot of movement at that point, but not quite on the outside yet, so he didn't get to feel it =(. About three days after I got back to South Carolina I started feeling it on the outside! It looks like there is an alien in my belly at many points of each day and I just sit and stare! I am so amazed and in love with every little (and huge!) movement happening inside of me. Savier finallllly got to feel them this past weekend, which makes me very happy! Just thinking about his face while his hand is on my belly feeling these precious little girls gives me the biggest smile!
During week 19 my boobs started leaking... and I was shocked! =P I didn't think that could happen so early, but I am crossing my fingers that this is a good sign for my future in breastfeeding! =)
My parents got to South Carolina during week 23 and I had an appointment with an ultrasound the day after they got there. Only Baby A felt like giving us good face shots that day, but that's okay! She finally showed her beauty! <3 Both babies weighed 1 pound 4 ounces at this point! After the main part of the ultrasound, which was really long.. my parents left the room so that we could do the vaginal one to check my cervix. Ideally, it should be 3.5. Mine started at 3.3 and when applying pressure it went down to 2.4. Since it shortened so much the doctor had to come back into the room and check it. I had NO idea what checking it included and was not warned before he practically shoved his entire hand inside of me.... ouch!!!! He put me on vaginal progesterone since we didn't know when I would be able to get in to see the doctor in Wisconsin and said to make another appointment as soon as possible. I was able to call BayCare and get in for a week from that day.
During the last few days in South Carolina my parents helped me clean my house and get everything ready to move back to Wisconsin. I am so thankful for them and all of their help and support. I never could have done it without them. I was nearly in tears the last day before we left because my body was just so sore from all of the final cleaning and packing. We left on Halloween, which was a Friday at about 4pm and ended up getting to Two Rivers at about 9pm on Saturday night! The drive wasn't bad. My dad drove all except like 4 hours and we saw some beautiful snow in the mountains on the second day! We hadn't planned on getting back until Sunday, but when I told Savier that we would be there a day early and that he could come over and sleep with me he didn't hesitate to tell me he would. =) I was so stinking excited! He is the greatest!
On Wednesday my mom came with me to my first appointment in Green Bay. It was pretty much just a "meet the doctor and talk about what's going on" kind of thing. I saw Dr. Sipes who I immediately liked! He told me to schedule an ultrasound for the next day and then come see him again after. I went and scheduled the ultrasound and my glucose test. Thursday I went by myself and had a full anatomy scan =) They were both weighing 1 pound 9 ounces and everything looked wonderful! Baby B was even head down again! My cervix was still measuring as short as 2.4. Dr. Sipes said that he was going to refer me to Dr. Hayes who is the maternal-fetal medicine doctor to see if he would do anything different.
As soon as I got home I got a call from a nurse asking if I could be there again at 8:15 the following morning to see Dr. Hayes. When I got there they told me that they were going to do another full anatomy scan. I didn't complain, because I love to see Hayden and Quinn as much as possible! =) Baby A gained 2 ounces over those 24 hours and Baby B was still exactly the same... except the fact that she flipped over again and was now breech. I've decided to stop getting excited when she turns head down since she can't make up her mind quite yet =P My cervix measured at 3.0 this time, but the sonographer didn't measure while applying pressure, so I'm not really sure how much that matters. After the ultrasound I went into a room with a nurse and Dr. Hayes came in a few minutes later. He told me that my cervix looks wonderful for having twins (the best he had seen all week) and he didn't see a reason to be concerned. This was a huge relief for me and I immediately felt comfortable with him and could tell that he really knew what he was talking about. He started telling me about a bunch of studies and statistics regarding the progesterone I was taking. He said that it is really good for singleton pregnancies, has no affect on twins, and increases the chance of stillborn for triplets and more. He said that it will not help me, but I could keep taking it if I wanted to. I obviously didn't want to after I heard the word stillborn. I know I don't have three of them in there, but still! He talked about how a lot of the time with singletons the cause of preterm labor is the cervix which is why it can be beneficial in those cases, but in twins it is just the fact that they run out of room in the uterus.
I have to go back to see Dr. Sipes on the 20th and Dr. Hayes on the 1st! Rosi (my mother-in-law) and MaKayla will get to go to the one on the first with me which is also the next ultrasound, so that should be exciting! =) Dr. Sipes told me that his goal for me is 36 weeks. Which is January 26th! Savier's guess for when they will come has been the 27th, so we will see! =) The longer the better! I'm sure I won't physically agree with that for much longer, but I want them to make it as close to 40 weeks as possible! My goal is just for them to not end up in the NICU! Dr. Sipes said that if I make it to 36 weeks we should be able to bring them home with us! =)
Last night I had my first very unrealistic "I'm going into labor" dream. I woke up pretty startled even though it was ridiculous. I know that nurses aren't going to come to my house to give me an epidural and then tell me to get to the hospital. I know that I will have my hospital bag packed long in advance. And I know that I won't casually drive around looking for steak before I go to the hospital. But still... just the idea of going into labor is scary and thinking about crazy things happening during it all is not high on my thrill list! The babies had also switched sides in the dream (A is on the left and B is on the right in real life!). I'm pretty sure that is not even possible! Hopefully that was the first and the last weird dream I will experience relating to actually having them! =P
My parents have been very helpful with the doggies and so has Savier when he is able to come here on the weekends. It is honestly a huge relief for me to have someone here finally. I love them to pieces, but not being the only one in the house who it able to get up and feed them or play with them or let them outside is so wonderful. All three of them did very good with the move! I ended up buying Xena doggy diapers for the car ride because I didn't know how she would do and she didn't even need them! =) I did get pictures in them though =P
Here is them all settled in at Grama's house!
And here is Daddy with his Weenie (& Heffy)! =)And I can't end this post without talking about October 5th. Avery's due date. <3
I woke up in a hotel with Savier in Antigo since it was the day after Cass and Dan's wonderful wedding. I knew the day would hurt, but I found myself in tears before I was even able to get out of bed. That is something I have noticed over the past eight months. Some days just hurt. Some days I feel like I am reliving it all over again and other days I just smile at the thought of meeting him/her someday in the future. October 5th hit me like a ton of bricks.
This was the same day that Jennisa took gender reveal pictures for us, so Savier and I took a moment during that to remember Avery also. We released one pink balloon and one blue balloon as we held each other and watched them float away.. <3 It was sad. But it felt appropriate and brought a slight smile through the tears.
I still think about Avery every single day. He/she would be just over a month old. It is crazy to think how different life would be right now if God didn't need our baby so soon. One day I will tell Hayden and Quinn all about their older sibling.. and how if it wasn't for the sacrifice of his/her life, they would not be able to be here with us. <3 One day they will understand. Maybe one day I will understand a little better also.
Until next time...