This past week has felt like a lifetime! I want to see our little baby again SO bad that the days just keep dragging! I keep seeing other people's ultrasounds from 10 and 12 weeks and there is such a huge difference than what we were able to see at our last appointment that I just can't help but be anxious for it to be our turn! =) But I know that it is coming! Patience Nikki, patience!
So, over the weekend Savier saw someone on one of the Joint Base Charleston for sale pages selling a bassinet and he messaged her! She was asking $30 and it looked really nice and neutral, so we went to get it! They were PCSing and she had a whole bunch of stuff that she didn't have time to sell, so she said that we could look through it and whatever we didn't want she would take to Goodwill! We ended up with the bassinet, one of the things that straps the baby to the chest, a diaper bag, about 5 bibs, a diaper genie, a wipe warmer, and a co-sleeper! All for $40! SCOREE! ;)
I have been feeling pretty good.. getting more pimples and getting a bigger tummy! Savier keeps telling me to stop pushing out, but I am not and I can't even push out anymore if I try! I swear.. I don't know if I believe that there is only one in there.
I got my belly bands and tried them on. Already love them! =)
Yesterday I ran out of the progesterone medication that I have been taking and I was pretty upset/stressed about it. I knew that everything would be okay, I was just mad at myself for letting it happen. There was a box under my sink, but when I opened it it was empty from me packing for our vacation. I should have checked sooner, but I just assumed it was full since I left it under there. Thankfully the company was able to get me more by this afternoon so I was only without it for three doses (one day!).
I also started trying to find/order maternity uniforms this past week and couldn't find anything ANYWHERE! I ended up posting an ISO on the joint base fb page and thankfully a super sweet girl had some and I was able to go pick them up today!
ohhhh yeah!! so sexy ;) But really.. they are a million times more comfortable than the ones that I am currently wearing! I'm totally going to start wearing them tomorrow (if my top matches good enough)!
All week MaKayla has been wanting to hug and kiss the baby and saying how much she loves it! It is so stinking precious and I love every moment of it =) She is going to be such an adorable big sister!! Aside from all of that randomness, I don't think that too much has happened. I'm too exhausted to think straight and too engrossed in The Bachelor to concentrate ;) So until Monday!
Hello hello!! So I have not blogged in awhile, because I have been constantly on the go! On the 31st after work, Savier and I headed to New Jersey to pick up MaKayla! We stayed until Monday so that we could spend some time with our wonderful family! It was perfect! MaKayla was do excited when we told her that she is going to be a big sister! She kept asking me if she could kiss the baby and rubbing my tummy saying "I love you, baby!"
I started our drive home on Monday and Savier and MaKayla were sleeping in the car. It was snowy and the highway was busy, so I was not enjoying myself and then I started feeling really nauseous. My eyes wouldn't stop watering and I was so scared that I was going to start puking while I was driving. I woke Savier up and asked him to find me a bag or something, just in case.. but thankfully, I didn't actually throw up. It was the worst spurt of nausea up to that point, though!
The following Friday, the 7th, we woke up super early and got ready to head to our first ultrasound appointment and then to Wisconsin! Our appointment was at 9am and Savier and MaKayla slept most of the three hour ride there! MaKayla was really excited to see the baby and she has this idea that since there is a baby in Mommy's tummy, there are princesses in hers. Three of them. And they "just walked in" or she "opened her tummy, let them in, and then closed it up". =) Precious, I know!! So she was so anxious to tell the doctor about her princesses! Well, we had the ultrasound and all we could see was the gestational sac, which was okay since we knew it was a little early! The sac measured at 5 weeks and 3 days! Dori said that it was totally fine and that everything was measuring good!
So we scheduled another appointment for today (the 19th) in hopes of seeing more at that time! =) We headed to Wisconsin and spent amazing time with our family! We got to meet baby Logan and baby Grayson while we were there!! MaKayla and Alaina had a ton of fun together and I was just so overjoyed to see all of the people who I love so much! This time going home brought the most intense feelings of any trip I've taken since I joined the military.. but I will get into that later!
Today we woke up early again to be to Fort Bragg by 9am! I was super excited and anxious and nervous! Natalie and Dr. Torrealday (sp?!) were in the room to do the ultrasound this time! Right away we saw something inside the sac! The doctor pointed something out and said that she thought that it was the heartbeat, but she couldn't confirm until it is very clear! It was still a little early, so this was totally okay! There was a yolk sac and a fetal pole! The fetal pole measured at about 6w2d + or - 3ish days! She said everything is growing really well, but she does not want to release me to be seen by someone closer to home until there is a definite heartbeat in there! So she said to come back in 7-10 days, but we are going to go in 12 since 10 falls on a weekend! Our next appointment is March 3rd! I should be around 8 weeks then, so there should be a lot more to see again! We got one picture printed and Natalie went to go make a copy of another one, but she forgot I guess. It's okay though. The yolk sac isn't very visible in the one we have, but it is much more exciting than the last one!!
On the way home I asked Savier if I could post our announcement picture or if he would like to wait any longer. He said that we should wait until our next appointment, so that is what we are doing! Jennisa took it for us while we were in Wisconsin! I will leak it on here though! =) Just because I want to post it somewhere so bad! =) (actually I'll post two because I don't know what one I will use! Probably the first!)
About the feelings of being home... I want to move back, like now! I have been doing a lot of thinking and Savier and I have been doing a lot of talking. We do not really think that it is worth it for me to finish my military enlistment. Our original plan was for him to get out on his scheduled date this December and be a stay at home dad while I stay in until December of 2015. He would go to school full time and get the GI Bill BAH money, which is about $1500 a month, which isn't so bad for actually being a stay at home parent! He could do it all online and just have one night class to make sure he got the money. The whole point of this was so that we could financially prepare a little better for our move back to Wisconsin since we will both be jobless at first and need to figure out insurance stuff. We started actually looking at numbers... what our monthly income would be vs what we spend a month on our bills and needs (groceries, gas, ect.) and then we took into consideration the fact that we will be spending more since there will be an additional person in our house. When I got it all figured out, it came to about $600-$800 a month that we would be able to put away in savings. And we don't think that is a very significant number. It is better than having nothing.. but I just don't think that I can justify raising our baby away from both of our families for over a year for this. Whether we move at the end of this year or we move at the end of next year, we will still be in the same situation with jobs and such. We will both be jobless if we don't find something before we move and we have no idea where we will live or what we will do. But why put it off for a year for pretty much no reason?! We talked about Savier looking into a factory job, or just anything that is open right when we get there, just to stay afloat and hopefully have some insurance. And then I could just find a night/weekend job for a little bit so we don't have to do the whole daycare thing that I don't want for my infant. OR I could use my legal degree and look for a paralegal job and Savier could find something smaller. I don't really know, but I feel like a lot of huge decisions need to be made very quickly! I am confident that we will figure it out and that we will choose what is best for our family, though! We do believe that we will move to the Madison area whenever it does happen, because that is where I would like to go to school! =) I don't know anything about that city, but I am sure we can find an area to fall in love with somewhere around there. And then once I'm done with school, we can go wherever we want! Probably the De Pere area!
Okay, enough rambling about my indecisiveness! I am so so so so happy about the progress of our baby! But I have been leaning toward Hayden Rae for a girl name lately=) My mumma did the "necklace trick" on me to see if it is going to be a boy or a girl (she swears it works and it did for both of my sister's kids) and it said boy!! And I just feel like it is going to be a boy! So, it will probably be a Quinn Marce (with an accent over the e.. Mar-say)! I bought three belly bands online that should be here by Friday, which was my first pregnancy purchase=) We also ordered a stuffed lamb from and I love it!! I can't wait until we hear the heartbeat and can record it to come home and listen all of the time!! =) Ahhhh!! Life is so amazing. Even though my face and collar bone areas are FULL of pimples. Like, disgustingly. It's whatever though. I am too happy to be sad about something so unimportant!
I didn't take a picture last week, and since I am so confused on exactly how far along I am, we just took this picture tonight and are saying 6 weeks. So even though it seems like there is no gap in time... it's really been twoish weeks since the 5 week one was taken. oh well!
p.s... I think that I am more than six weeks!
p.s.s.. here is a picture of MaKayla showing off the princesses in her belly, too!! <3
Pretend this was posted on Saturday! =) That is when it was really 5 weeks and the information is from! I just haven't gotten around to posting it with all of the craziness of MaKayla coming back home!
Tomorrow is the ultrasound!! =) We are so so so excited!